About this blog

I decided to start this blog as an account of our experience with Baby Led Weaning.

I came across Baby Led Weaning (BLW) when Indigo was around 3 months old; why didn't I know about this? I simply thought that pureeing and spoon-feeding was the only option out there. After doing a bit more research on the subject I was sold, not only did it sound like a lot less hassle and much more fun, I also felt it would be a more natural progression from on-demand breastfeeding. After all, feeding on-demand has always meant that Indigo has been in control of how much and with what frequency she eats, and I have learnt to trust that she knows what she needs and takes just that; why should it be any different with solid foods? So, with the apprehensive and daunting aspects of weaning removed, I decided on blogging instead of puréeing.

I will be writing most of the posts, as I am not working (maternity leave) and apparently that means I have all the time in the world..., and hopefully we will have the odd input or comment from my husband Simon with his views on how things are going.

Whether you read this blog as a parent contemplating your weaning options, an experienced BLW'er or none of the above, please do feel free to leave some comments on how you think we are getting on (in the comments box below each blog post). If you have any advice on how we could do things better/easier/differently this will be gratefully received too as we are just starting out and learning every day. If you have come across out blog looking for specific information on what BLW is all about, and/or how to get started, check out the 'Links' section for websites with more information.

Hopefully this blog, of our exciting journey with BLW, will be fun reading to share with family and friends as well as some helpful information for other parents contemplating BLW.