Thursday, 12 August 2010

Dips and dippers

Since starting with Baby Led Weaning bread sticks has become a staple in our house. They are great for exploring more runny foods such as humus, soups, spreads and the like, and they are super easy to hold. They are also always good to have on hand if Indigo's food hasn't quite cooled down enough or when we are out waiting on our food order to arrive; because once placed in the highchair there is no messing about, she just wants, sorry, needs her food now! It's bad enough having to wait whilst a bib is being put in place and the harness secured.

So, finally I got around to baking some of my own bread sticks. I have been wanting to do this for a while since the bought ones have added salt, and she does have them quite often; I was pleasantly surprised at how quick and easy it was to bake them. They came out nice and crispy, (now I just have to figure out how to store them so they stay crispy, but that is an issue with the bought ones too) and both Indigo and her friend Oscar enjoyed them. Success.

For dips I have been getting a bit more adventurous, I think she has been trying to tell me that the world of dips extend beyond humus... So far she has tried:

Mashed avocado
Baba Ganoush (aubergine dip, homemade)
Mushroom pate (homemade)
Cottage cheese
Humus (keep meaning to make my own, but not quite got there yet)
Hazelnut butter (Indigo likes this, but mummy loves it, yummy!)
Butter bean and horseradish pate (tried this in a cafe, might try and make my own)
Tomato soup

Out of those the Baba Ganoush has been the biggest hit. I was surprised how much she liked it as I put quite a bit of raw garlic in it... she has had garlic breath all afternoon. Both the mushroom pate and Baba Ganoush were really quick and easy to make and lasts quite a few days in the fridge too, so I will definitely be making more veggie pate's. It has also been quite nice for me to have something different on my sandwich to cheese. How does she find all this time for cooking you ask yourself, we recently booted the television is the answer, I highly recommend it by the way, all the things you can do when baby is alseep and the telly is gone... the list is endless.

Anyway, to get back to the subejct of BLW, we are still dipping for her and handing her the food. Although she tries her best to get her hands on the pots with the dips in, she can't manage to dip her own food yet.

Indigo with a humus beard...

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